

德克萨斯州公共信息法 (PDF) / 《公共信息报 (PDF)

Procedures for Requests to 道成肉身的大学 Police Department


根据德州教育法典第51条.第212(f)条以及德克萨斯州政府法典第552条, “a university police department of a private institution of higher education is a law enforcement agency and a governmental body for purposes of Chapter 552, 政府的代码, only with respect to information relating solely to law enforcement activities."德州教育法典第51条规定的公共信息.第212(f)条以及德克萨斯州政府法典第552条, is public unless it is confidential by law or falls within an exception to 政府的代码 552.


In responding to requests for public information as permitted by Texas Education Code 51.212(f), the 道成肉身的大学 is committed to treating all requests for information uniformly without regard to the position or occupation of the requestor, 代表其提出请求的人, 或者个人作为媒体成员的地位, the University of Incarnate Word will provide the post the appropriate notice informing the public of their basic rights and responsibilities under the 德克萨斯州公共信息法.

The university has a duty to respond to any written requests for public information, 包括那些通过电子邮件或传真发出的. 然而, state law provides that the university can designate a person that is authorized to receive email or faxed requests for public information. 如果学校做出这样的指定, the 德克萨斯州公共信息法 is only activated if the request is directed to the assigned individual. 根据第552条.301(c), 政府的代码, the Custodian of Records has been designated by the officer for public information to receive all electronic mail requests for public information. The university is not responsible for responding to electronic mail and fax requests sent to any electronic mail address other than the email address for the 菠菜评级的警察局长 as the Custodian of Records cited below.



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根据德州教育法典第51条要求公开信息.212 (f) and in reference to the Texas 政府的代码 552, must be in writing. Including the following information in your request will help ensure that you receive the information you want:

  • 您的姓名和邮寄地址(以便我们向您发送回复);
  • your phone number (so we can contact you if we have questions about how to respond to your request); and
  • a list or description of the specific information you are interested in, including time periods. 对于你正在寻找的信息,要尽可能的具体.


根据德州教育法典第51条.第212款(f)项及德州政府法典第552条, I request access copies of ____________ [Include the name of the document or the type of information. You may also request the information in a particular format (for example: a paper copy or digital format)]. 请提供信息给我 __________________________.


  • Charges for copies of public information are set by the Texas Office of the Attorney General. In general, if the number of copies in your request is 50 pages or less, the charge will be $0.10 per page plus the cost of postage (or other delivery method, at your request). 如影印量超过50页,收费为0元.10 per page plus personnel costs necessary to compile the documents, in addition to the postage.
  • 如果满足您的要求的费用超过40美元.00, we will provide you with an itemized written estimate of the charges and indicate if a less costly alternative is available. You must respond in writing within 10 days after the estimate is sent that you will accept the costs, 或者你想要其他的选择, 否则你的请求将被视为撤回.
  • 如果估计费用超过100美元.00, the University will generally require a prepaid deposit or bond before providing the information. 此外,如果你有超过100美元的未付余额.00 relating to previous requests, a prepaid deposit or bond will be required.


Some of the information maintained by UIWPD may contain information that is confidential/protected or not covered 根据德州教育法典第51条.第212款(f)项及德州政府法典第552条, such as the following:

  • 学生信息/记录;
  • 医疗信息/记录;
  • 驾驶执照和机动车信息;
  • 律师-当事人保密通信;
  • 律师工作成果;
  • 法律规定保密的文件;
  • Documents claimed to be proprietary by a third party (trade secret information).

如果您需要上述机密/受保护信息的副本, it will be necessary for UIWPD to request an opinion from the Office of the Attorney General about this information. The information will not be available for review until after the Attorney General makes a decision about whether the information is to be made available. The Attorney General's office has at least 45 business days to make a decision on whether the information may be released.

If part of the information you requested is considered public information, 然后,您将收到信息的副本, even if a request for an Attorney General's open records opinion is necessary regarding the confidential/protected information. If public information and confidential/protected information are both included in a single document, 文件将会提供给你. 然而, the information believed to be confidential/protected will be redacted (marked out) while the request for an Attorney General's opinion is pending.

如果您不寻求访问机密/受保护的信息, you may simply state in your request that you do not want any information that is not considered public information by the Office of the Attorney General. If you indicate that you are only seeking information that the Office of the Attorney General considers public information, then it will not be necessary for UIWPD to make a request for an opinion.