Reflection Guide for Developing Service Learning

A Reflection Guide for Service-Learning Courses at UIW



Service-Learning (SL) courses provide students with a service experience in the community beyond the classroom that is guided by the UIW Mission goals of promoting social justice and service and is aimed at developing concerned and enlightened citizens. The following criteria define what counts as a SL course:

  1. Service in the community is required and connected to learning course content.
  2. Faculty facilitate reflection whereby students draw connections between the learning in the community, 课堂学习, 和uw的使命价值观.

什么 to Look for in a SL Course Syllabus/Outline

Complete information for student benefit will include 以书面形式 在教学大纲/提纲上:

  1. Reference to SL in the course description
  2. Identification of a student learning outcome(s) and assessment
  3. The required number of community service hours
  4. 服务的价值 & 对期末成绩的反思
  5. A description/explanation of what service involves
  6. Guidance on how to do reflection including reference to the UIW Mission. Reflection may be facilitated by faculty in class or outside (journal writing, 讨论板交流, 等.).


UIW draws inspiration from a long Judeo-Christian tradition of thinking about doing good in the community. The 10 themes of Catholic Social Teaching summarize that teaching: Non-Catholic students will recognize these values/principles as similar to those inspired by other faith traditions as well as those in faith-neutral documents such as in the 30 Articles of the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


For a comprehensive reflection, faculty can have students address all questions in the Guide below. A shorter reflection may focus on the shaded items including the one related to the UIW Mission (see page 2).

什么? 我看到/听到/做了什么

  1. 我帮了什么忙啊?
  2. 我遇到了什么人啊?
  3. 什么 are the relationships between these people and the agency/organization?
  4. 什么 did I talk about with these people?

那么? 我的反应,

  1. 我对这个机构有什么了解?
  2. 什么 did I learn about the people that work with the agency?
  3. 什么 did I learn about the people that receive the services of the agency?
  4. 什么 did I learn about myself during these experiences?
  5. How did the experiences relate to my personal faith commitment/life values?
  6. 什么 2 or 3 ideas from the UIW mission relate to my experiences?
  7. 什么 skills and knowledge from class did I get to use; or, I did not have?

现在? thinking about— the facts, thoughts/feelings, the future

  1. 什么 impact will the agency have on the community?
  2. 什么 impact might society have on the continuing need for the agency?
  3. 什么 suggestions might help improve the services of the agency?
  4. 什么 impact will these experiences have on my own personal and professional growth?


( Endorsed by the Board, 3/1/96; revised: 3/11/10, 12/5/14)

The first Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, three young French women motivated by the love of God and their recognition of God's presence in each person, came to San Antonio in 1869 to minister to the sick and the poor. Their spirit of Christian service is perpetuated in the 道成肉身的大学 primarily through teaching and scholarship, encompassing research and artistic expression. 受到犹太教和基督教价值观的启发, 天主教的知识传统, 及天主教社会训导, the university aims to educate men and women who will become concerned and enlightened citizens in the global community.

The university is committed to educational excellence in a context of faith in Jesus Christ, 神的道成肉身的话语. Through a liberal education the university cultivates the values of life-long learning, 人的全面发展, faculty and students supporting one another in the search for and the communication of truth, thoughtful innovation that serves the spiritual and material needs of people, 爱护环境, the demands of living out social justice, 社区服务, and understanding global challenges.

The 道成肉身的大学 is a Catholic institution that welcomes to its community persons of diverse backgrounds, in the belief that their respectful interaction advances the discovery of truth, 相互了解, 自我实现, 共同利益.